Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hanging Out in Kingston

Today started out as a little bit of a late morning around 11am. We had crumpets for breakfast and headed out to our friend Jon's house. From there, we went to Kingston to the Bentalls Centre, which is just a nice mall, probably with about 3 or 4 stories of shops. We visited the Apple store while we were there, which was laid out exactly the same as the American stores. We killed some time then and walked around looking at the different shops and stores in the area. All of the stores were really nice clothing stores along with some very nice restaurants and cafes. After a little walking we headed back to Jon's house where he gave us a little demo of his scratching abilities (here he is in action) along with a little mini lesson. We killed some time talking and playing PlayStation 2 then headed out to the theater back in Kingston and saw the movie Inglorious our assigned seats of course. After the movie we went to a little place called Nando's for dinner. They specialize in making different cuts of chicken at varying amounts of spicyness. Chris and I both had a chicken breast burger at medium, Jon had a 1/4 chicken, extra hot. I didn't try it, but he seemed to handle it pretty well. Tomorrow we'll be spending the day meeting up with some more family. So far, the trip has been amazing, the weather has been perfect. We've also had our fair share of nice cars. Aston Martins are a regular occurrence. There are also plenty of Porsches to go around. And Bentley is practically a cab service. We've only seen two Ferrari's so far, a 599 and and F430. That will definitely change later this week though.

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